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(Some) Stuff I’ve Done

I’m Harry Gómez-Morón Castro from Lima,Perú. I’ll be majoring in Product Design and these are some of the things I’ve done.

First: Photography

-The Keys of Noise: It is ironic how it’s tried to imitate the pressure applied to piano keys, which must produce a harmonious sound … Every corner produces noise, here’s how I try to play the instrument that generates it …
I could make use of the binary opposition, noise and music, to perform visual irony and sarcasm.

The Keys of Noise

-Shot on iPhone stuff: I love taking photos, specifically, with my phone. These are photos just taken with passion, hoping one day, Apple will feature me in one of it’s advertisements.


Second: Video

THE DINOSAUR: Adaptation of the smallest tale in history by Augusto Monterroso.

Third: Construction

Altarpiece H2O IMG_5867 Terrorism in Peru

This summer: Professional Sculpture

Born in Lima, Perú. 20/07/1998

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