The series of pictures I took going to the ICP were basically the different types of floors I came into. I thought it would be interesting doing a passage combining the photos of the different floors. Really nothing to overthink, something basic that I thought would be “cool”. Looking down in a city you must be looking up.
Once in the ICP, I really liked the exhibition. Some pieces such as Kurt Caviezel’s “Pas de Deux” sent chills down my spine. Made me think that we are living in a dystopian present that couldn’t be projected by George Orwell or any episode of The Twilight Zone. Something much worse and creepy than we could have ever imagined. Is it good that everything is being recorded every time? Does it help in anything being recorded all the time? Or it’s just the material proof that we are unethical and immoral living entities? Is getting weird stuff that was recorded secretly art? I don’t know, nobody really knows. But I decided to go out and take pictures of some of the cameras I saw on my way back. Cameras that maybe are collecting unimaginable things that will be displayed in an exhibition in the near future. Here’s a montage in the shape of a surveillance camera. I also decided to combine the announcement that’s at the entrance of the exhibition with the one at the entrance of a store in the same avenue. Because they both basically mean the same…