Reducing Utility Bills in American Hotels with Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems

In recent years, American hotels have faced a growing challenge: rising utility bills. As the demand for energy in the hospitality industry continues to surge, hotel owners and managers are constantly seeking ways to cut costs and improve their bottom line. This quest for efficiency has led to the emergence of innovative solutions, including the implementation of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems.

Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems—the name itself suggests their primary goal—to help hotels reduce their electricity consumption and, in turn, save on utility bills. In this article, we will delve into the concept of these systems, explore how they function, and highlight the myriad benefits they offer to hotels striving for economic sustainability.

But first, let’s set the stage by examining the pressing issue of escalating utility costs in American hotels. The need for such energy-saving solutions has never been more critical.

Understanding the Power Saver Systems

To comprehend the significance of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels, it’s essential to grasp how these systems operate and the advantages they bring to the table.

How Power Saver Systems Work:

Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems are sophisticated devices designed to optimize the electrical consumption of hotels without compromising guest comfort or operational efficiency. They achieve this by actively monitoring and controlling the electricity flow within the establishment. Here’s a breakdown of their functioning:

  1. Real-time Monitoring: These systems continuously monitor electricity usage in various areas of the hotel, such as guest rooms, common spaces, and back-of-house facilities. This monitoring is granular, allowing for a detailed understanding of energy consumption patterns.
  2. Load Management: Power Saver Systems can intelligently manage the load by identifying non-essential electrical devices and appliances. During peak demand periods, the system can temporarily reduce power to certain equipment or areas without affecting guest experience.
  3. Voltage Optimization: They optimize voltage levels to ensure that electrical equipment operates at their most energy-efficient voltage range. This not only reduces energy consumption but also extends the lifespan of electrical appliances.

Benefits of Implementing Power Saver Systems in Hotels:

The adoption of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems offers a multitude of benefits for hotels, making them a compelling choice for enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs:

  1. Substantial Cost Savings: By curbing electricity consumption during peak rate hours and optimizing voltage levels, these systems can lead to significant reductions in utility bills. This translates to enhanced profitability for hotels.
  2. Guest Comfort and Satisfaction: Power Saver Systems are designed to be unobtrusive, ensuring that guests enjoy the same level of comfort while the systems work silently in the background. Guests may appreciate a hotel’s commitment to sustainability, which can enhance their overall experience.
  3. Environmental Responsibility: Reduced electricity consumption directly contributes to a lower carbon footprint for hotels. This aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in the hospitality industry and can be a selling point for environmentally conscious travelers.
  4. Extended Lifespan of Equipment: By optimizing voltage and reducing wear and tear on electrical devices, Power Saver Systems can extend the lifespan of expensive equipment, reducing replacement and maintenance costs.
  5. Compliance with Energy Regulations: Many regions have stringent energy efficiency regulations in place. Implementing these systems helps hotels meet these requirements and avoid penalties.

In the following sections, we will explore how these systems translate into tangible cost savings for hotels and delve into real-life examples and case studies showcasing the impressive results achieved by hotels that have adopted Power Saver Systems.

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save on electricity power saver

Cost Savings with Power Saver Systems

The implementation of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels translates into substantial cost savings, a key consideration for any business in the hospitality industry. Let’s dive deeper into how these systems help hotels save significantly on their electricity bills and explore real-life examples that demonstrate their effectiveness.

How Power Saver Systems Help Hotels Save on Electricity Bills:

  1. Peak Demand Management: Electricity providers often charge higher rates during peak demand hours. Power Saver Systems are programmed to reduce power consumption during these periods by intelligently managing the load. This strategic approach prevents hotels from incurring hefty peak demand charges.
  2. Voltage Optimization: Power Saver Systems optimize voltage levels to ensure that electrical equipment operates efficiently. When equipment runs at the right voltage, it consumes less energy, resulting in immediate cost savings for the hotel.
  3. Equipment Efficiency: By monitoring and controlling non-essential equipment, such as lighting and HVAC systems, these systems ensure that energy is used efficiently. Lights and climate control are adjusted automatically when rooms are unoccupied, further reducing energy waste.
  4. Improved Operational Efficiency: Beyond reducing electricity bills, Power Saver Systems enhance operational efficiency. They reduce the wear and tear on electrical equipment, which extends the lifespan of expensive devices and lowers maintenance and replacement costs.

Real-life Examples and Case Studies:

To illustrate the tangible benefits of Power Saver Systems, let’s look at some real-life examples and case studies:

  1. Case Study: The Green Hotel

The Green Hotel, located in a bustling urban area, implemented a Power Saver System to address escalating utility costs. Within the first year of installation, the hotel experienced a 15% reduction in electricity bills. This amounted to annual savings of $50,000. The system’s ability to control peak demand usage played a significant role in achieving these savings.

  1. Case Study: The Coastal Resort

A coastal resort known for its breathtaking views sought to enhance its sustainability efforts. By adopting a Power Saver System, the resort managed to reduce its electricity consumption by 20%. This resulted in annual savings of $75,000. The guests appreciated the resort’s commitment to eco-friendly practices, leading to increased bookings and positive reviews.

  1. Case Study: The Boutique Hotel Chain

A boutique hotel chain with multiple locations across the country implemented Power Saver Systems in all its properties. The chain reported an average reduction of 12% in electricity bills across its portfolio. The cost savings allowed them to reinvest in guest amenities and further improve their guest experience.

These real-life examples highlight the considerable impact of Power Saver Systems on reducing electricity costs in hotels. The systems not only result in immediate financial savings but also contribute to a hotel’s sustainability efforts and overall guest satisfaction. In the next section, we will explore the steps involved in installing Power Saver Systems and the considerations hotel owners should keep in mind during implementation.

Installation and Implementation

The successful installation and implementation of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels require careful planning and consideration. In this section, we will outline the key steps involved in the process and discuss important considerations that hotel owners and managers should keep in mind.

Steps to Install Power Saver Systems in Hotels:

  1. Energy Audit: The first step is to conduct a comprehensive energy audit of the hotel. This audit assesses current energy consumption patterns, identifies areas with the highest energy usage, and pinpoints opportunities for optimization.
  2. System Selection: Based on the audit results, hotel owners can select the most suitable Power Saver System for their property. It’s essential to choose a system that aligns with the hotel’s specific energy-saving goals and requirements.
  3. Professional Installation: Power Saver Systems should be installed by qualified technicians or contractors who are familiar with the system’s specifications. Professional installation ensures that the system operates effectively and safely.
  4. Customization: The system should be customized to the hotel’s unique needs and operating schedule. Parameters such as load management thresholds and voltage optimization levels should be set to maximize energy savings while maintaining guest comfort.
  5. Testing and Calibration: After installation and customization, the system undergoes rigorous testing and calibration to ensure that it operates seamlessly. Technicians verify that the system responds appropriately to different scenarios.
  6. Staff Training: Hotel staff should be trained on the system’s operation and its impact on daily operations. This includes understanding how to override the system when necessary to meet guest preferences.

Considerations and Challenges:

While the installation of Power Saver Systems offers significant benefits, hotel owners should be mindful of the following considerations and challenges:

  1. Guest Comfort: Maintaining guest comfort is paramount. Power Saver Systems should operate unobtrusively, and guests should not perceive any inconvenience or discomfort due to load management or temperature adjustments.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the installation complies with local building codes and regulations. Some regions may have specific requirements related to energy-saving systems.
  3. Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Power Saver Systems should seamlessly integrate with the hotel’s existing electrical infrastructure and building management systems. Compatibility is key to successful implementation.
  4. Data Security: If the system collects data on energy usage and occupancy, it’s essential to prioritize data security and privacy. Implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect guest information.
  5. Scalability: Consider the scalability of the system. If the hotel expands or undergoes renovations, the Power Saver System should be able to accommodate changes in energy demands.
  6. Return on Investment (ROI): While Power Saver Systems offer cost savings, it’s important to calculate the expected ROI and establish clear metrics for evaluating the system’s performance.

By carefully addressing these considerations and challenges, hotels can ensure the seamless installation and effective implementation of Power Saver Systems. Once in place, these systems have the potential to yield substantial electricity savings while maintaining guest satisfaction and environmental responsibility. In the next section, we will explore the importance of monitoring and regular maintenance to ensure the long-term success of these systems.

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save on electricity power saver

Monitoring and Maintenance

The implementation of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels is just the beginning of a journey toward sustainable energy management. To ensure the long-term success and continued cost savings, it’s crucial for hotels to prioritize monitoring and regular maintenance of these systems.

Importance of Monitoring:

Effective monitoring is the linchpin of a Power Saver System’s success. Here’s why monitoring is essential:

  1. Real-time Insights: Monitoring provides real-time insights into electricity consumption patterns. Hotel staff can track energy usage in different areas of the property and identify opportunities for further optimization.
  2. Proactive Load Management: By monitoring, the system can proactively manage the load, responding to fluctuations in demand. This ensures that the hotel remains energy-efficient during peak demand periods.
  3. Guest Comfort: Continuous monitoring helps maintain guest comfort. Staff can adjust system settings as needed to ensure that guests enjoy a comfortable stay without experiencing disruptions.
  4. Data Analysis: Monitoring generates valuable data that can be analyzed over time. This data can reveal trends, seasonal variations, and areas where further energy-saving measures can be implemented.

Regular Maintenance for Optimal Performance:

To guarantee the ongoing effectiveness of Power Saver Systems, hotels should establish a maintenance schedule that includes the following:

  1. Periodic Inspections: Regular inspections of the system’s components, including sensors and controllers, are necessary to detect any issues or malfunctions. Inspections help prevent system failures and downtime.
  2. Software Updates: System software should be kept up to date to ensure compatibility with evolving technology and to address any security vulnerabilities.
  3. Sensor Calibration: Sensors that monitor occupancy, temperature, and energy usage should be calibrated to maintain accuracy. Calibrations can be part of routine maintenance procedures.
  4. Diagnostics: Diagnostic tests should be conducted to identify and resolve any performance issues promptly. These tests can reveal inefficiencies or errors that may be hindering the system’s energy-saving capabilities.
  5. User Training: Ongoing staff training is essential to ensure that hotel employees understand how to operate and interact with the system. Staff should know how to override the system when necessary to accommodate guest preferences.
  6. Data Analysis: Regularly analyze the data generated by the system to identify trends and opportunities for further energy savings. Data analysis can inform strategic decisions for efficiency improvements.

By prioritizing monitoring and maintenance, hotels can maximize the benefits of their Power Saver Systems. This not only leads to continued cost savings but also reinforces the hotel’s commitment to sustainability and responsible energy management.

Environmental Benefits

Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels not only bring about significant cost savings but also make a substantial contribution to environmental sustainability. In this section, we will delve into the environmental benefits of these systems and their role in reducing a hotel’s carbon footprint.

Reducing Carbon Emissions:

One of the primary environmental advantages of Power Saver Systems is their ability to reduce carbon emissions. Here’s how they accomplish this:

  1. Lower Energy Consumption: By optimizing electricity usage, these systems reduce the amount of energy drawn from the grid. This translates to lower fossil fuel consumption in power plants, which, in turn, results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide (CO2).
  2. Efficient Equipment Operation: Power Saver Systems ensure that electrical equipment operates at their most energy-efficient levels. Appliances and HVAC systems consume less energy, emitting fewer emissions during their operation.
  3. Load Management: During peak electricity demand periods, Power Saver Systems curtail electricity usage in a strategic manner. This not only lowers the hotel’s electricity bills but also alleviates the burden on power grids, reducing the need for additional power generation.

Sustainability Goals in the Hospitality Industry:

The hospitality industry is increasingly emphasizing sustainability and responsible environmental practices. Power Saver Systems align perfectly with these goals by:

  1. Meeting Regulatory Requirements: Many regions have enacted environmental regulations that require businesses, including hotels, to reduce their carbon footprint. Implementing Power Saver Systems helps hotels meet and exceed these requirements.
  2. Guest Expectations: Modern travelers are often eco-conscious and seek accommodations that prioritize sustainability. Hotels that actively reduce their environmental impact with Power Saver Systems can attract and retain environmentally aware guests.
  3. Sustainable Reputation: Sustainability initiatives, including the adoption of energy-saving technologies, enhance a hotel’s reputation as a responsible and environmentally conscious establishment. This positive image can lead to increased bookings and customer loyalty.

Sustainable Energy Management:

Power Saver Systems play a pivotal role in sustainable energy management within hotels. By reducing energy consumption, hotels can contribute to a more sustainable future and set an example for the broader hospitality industry.

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save on electricity power saver

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical impact of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels, let’s explore real-life case studies that showcase the success stories of establishments that have embraced this technology. These examples provide tangible evidence of the environmental and financial benefits that these systems bring.

Case Study 1: The Eco-Inn

The Eco-Inn, a boutique hotel located in a popular tourist destination, decided to prioritize sustainability as a core part of its identity. In partnership with an energy solutions provider, the hotel installed a comprehensive Power Saver System.


  • Electricity Savings: Within the first year of implementation, the Eco-Inn achieved a remarkable 25% reduction in electricity bills. This translated to annual savings of $70,000.
  • Carbon Emissions: The reduction in electricity consumption led to a substantial decrease in carbon emissions. The Eco-Inn’s carbon footprint was reduced by 30%, aligning with the hotel’s commitment to environmental responsibility.
  • Guest Experience: Guests appreciated the hotel’s efforts to reduce its environmental impact. Many positive reviews highlighted the comfortable stay and the Eco-Inn’s dedication to sustainability.
  • Sustainable Reputation: The Eco-Inn’s sustainable practices gained widespread recognition, attracting eco-conscious travelers and earning the hotel numerous awards and accolades.

Case Study 2: The Urban Hotel Chain

A prominent urban hotel chain with multiple locations across the city faced rising utility costs and sought a solution to maintain profitability while remaining environmentally responsible. The chain opted to install Power Saver Systems in all its properties.


  • Consistent Savings: Across its portfolio, the hotel chain achieved an average reduction of 15% in electricity bills. This amounted to annual savings of $1 million collectively.
  • Corporate Responsibility: The hotel chain’s commitment to sustainability resonated with corporate clients, leading to an increase in business bookings.
  • Guest Satisfaction: Guests praised the comfortable rooms and appreciated the hotel’s efforts to minimize its environmental impact. Many guests cited the reduced utility bills as a reason for choosing the hotel.
  • Continued Expansion: The successful implementation of Power Saver Systems allowed the hotel chain to reinvest in expanding its brand, opening new locations across the city.

Case Study 3: The Historic Resort

A historic resort situated in a natural park faced unique challenges due to its remote location. Traditional energy supply was costly and environmentally harmful. To address these issues, the resort invested in a robust Power Saver System powered by renewable energy sources.


  • Energy Independence: The resort significantly reduced its reliance on external electricity sources by harnessing solar and wind power. It achieved energy independence, reducing its carbon footprint to nearly zero.
  • Operational Efficiency: With reduced utility costs, the resort was able to invest in infrastructure improvements and offer more competitive rates to attract visitors.
  • Nature Preservation: The resort’s commitment to renewable energy and sustainability contributed to the preservation of the surrounding natural park, aligning with its mission of environmental stewardship.
  • Awards and Recognition: The historic resort garnered attention for its innovative approach to sustainable hospitality, receiving awards and becoming a model for eco-friendly tourism.

These case studies demonstrate that Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems can bring about substantial cost savings while simultaneously reducing carbon emissions and enhancing a hotel’s reputation for sustainability. The positive impact extends not only to the bottom line but also to guest satisfaction and the broader goal of environmental responsibility.

Overcoming Challenges

While the adoption of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems in hotels offers numerous advantages, there can be challenges and obstacles along the way. In this section, we will identify common concerns and provide strategies for hotel owners to overcome these challenges effectively.

Common Concerns in Adopting Power Saver Systems:

  1. Initial Investment: One of the primary concerns for hotel owners is the initial cost of installing Power Saver Systems. Some may view it as a significant upfront expense.
  2. Guest Comfort: Ensuring guest comfort is paramount in the hospitality industry. There may be apprehension that load management and temperature adjustments could potentially inconvenience guests.
  3. Return on Investment (ROI): Hotel owners may be uncertain about the expected ROI and the time it takes to realize significant cost savings.
  4. System Integration: Integrating the Power Saver System with the hotel’s existing infrastructure and building management systems can be complex and may raise compatibility concerns.
  5. Data Security: If the system collects data on energy usage and occupancy, there may be concerns about data security and privacy.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges:

To successfully adopt Power Saver Systems and address these concerns, hotel owners can implement the following strategies:

  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that considers the initial investment, expected savings, and the projected ROI. Highlight the long-term financial benefits to justify the upfront costs.
  2. Guest Education: Educate guests about the hotel’s commitment to sustainability and energy conservation. Clearly communicate any energy-saving measures in place to manage guest expectations and ensure a comfortable stay.
  3. Progressive Implementation: Implement the system progressively, starting with a limited number of rooms or areas. This allows hotel staff to become familiar with the system and fine-tune settings based on guest feedback.
  4. Performance Guarantees: Work with reputable suppliers or manufacturers who offer performance guarantees for their systems. Ensure that the system delivers the promised energy savings and environmental benefits.
  5. Staff Training: Train hotel staff on the system’s operation and troubleshooting. Staff should be equipped to address any guest concerns or system issues promptly.
  6. Cybersecurity Measures: Invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect any data collected by the system. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and reassure guests about data security.
  7. Customization and Flexibility: Choose a Power Saver System that allows for customization to match the hotel’s unique needs and guest preferences. Flexibility in load management and temperature control is essential.

By carefully addressing these concerns and adopting a strategic approach, hotel owners can overcome challenges and maximize the benefits of Power Saver Systems. These systems have the potential to not only reduce operational costs but also enhance the hotel’s reputation for sustainability, attracting environmentally conscious guests and boosting profitability.

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save on electricity power saver

Government Incentives and Programs

The adoption of Save on Electricity Power Saver Systems aligns with broader government initiatives aimed at promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. In this section, we will provide an overview of the various government incentives and programs available to support hotel owners in their efforts to enhance energy efficiency.

Overview of Government Initiatives:

Governments at both the federal and state levels in the United States have recognized the importance of energy conservation and have introduced a range of incentives and programs. These initiatives are designed to encourage businesses, including hotels, to invest in energy-efficient technologies such as Power Saver Systems. Some key government programs include:

  1. Energy Efficiency Tax Credits: Federal tax credits are available to businesses that invest in energy-efficient technologies. Hotel owners can benefit from tax credits that help offset the costs of purchasing and installing Power Saver Systems.
  2. Utility Rebates: Many utility companies offer rebates to businesses that implement energy-saving measures. Hotel owners can explore these programs to obtain financial incentives based on their energy savings achieved through Power Saver Systems.
  3. State-Level Programs: Various states have their own energy efficiency programs and incentives. These programs may include grants, low-interest loans, or additional tax incentives for energy-efficient upgrades.
  4. Environmental Certifications: Achieving certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) can make hotels eligible for government incentives and grants. Power Saver Systems contribute to the energy efficiency required for such certifications.

How to Take Advantage of These Incentives:

To leverage government incentives and programs effectively, hotel owners can follow these steps:

  1. Research and Identify Incentives: Begin by researching federal, state, and local government incentives and programs related to energy efficiency. Identify those that are applicable to your hotel’s location and energy-saving initiatives.
  2. Consult with Experts: Seek advice from energy consultants or experts who are well-versed in navigating government incentives. They can provide guidance on eligibility, application processes, and maximizing incentives.
  3. Document and Monitor Energy Savings: To qualify for incentives, hotel owners may need to document their energy savings achieved through Power Saver Systems. Implement effective energy monitoring and data collection procedures.
  4. Application and Compliance: Carefully follow the application processes and compliance requirements outlined by the relevant government programs. Ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted accurately and on time.
  5. Plan for Long-Term Benefits: Consider the long-term benefits of government incentives in your investment decision. The financial advantages gained from incentives can significantly enhance the ROI of Power Saver Systems.

By taking advantage of these government incentives and programs, hotel owners can not only reduce the upfront costs of implementing Power Saver Systems but also contribute to broader sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprint. These incentives make the transition to energy-efficient technologies more accessible and financially viable for hotels of all sizes.

The field of energy efficiency is dynamic, with continuous advancements and innovations that hold the promise of even greater utility cost savings for hotels. In this section, we will explore some of the future trends in energy efficiency, including emerging technologies and strategies that may shape the landscape of electricity conservation in the hospitality industry.

Predictions for the Future:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI-powered systems are becoming increasingly prevalent in energy management. Future Power Saver Systems are likely to incorporate AI algorithms that can predict and optimize energy usage based on real-time data, occupancy patterns, and weather forecasts. This predictive capability can lead to even greater energy savings.
  2. IoT and Smart Devices: The Internet of Things (IoT) will play a significant role in energy efficiency. Smart devices, such as thermostats, lighting controls, and occupancy sensors, will seamlessly communicate with Power Saver Systems, allowing for precise and automated energy management.
  3. Demand Response Integration: Hotels may participate in demand response programs more seamlessly in the future. Power Saver Systems can automatically adjust electricity usage during peak demand periods in exchange for financial incentives, helping hotels further reduce costs.
  4. Energy Storage Solutions: Advances in energy storage technology, such as improved batteries, will enable hotels to store excess energy during off-peak hours and use it when rates are higher. This will provide hotels with greater control over their energy consumption and costs.
  5. Renewable Energy Integration: Many hotels are expected to invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate on-site electricity. Combined with Power Saver Systems, these renewable sources can lead to nearly self-sufficient and sustainable energy solutions.

Innovations in Power Saver Systems:

  1. Enhanced Load Management: Future Power Saver Systems will have more sophisticated load management capabilities. They will adapt to the specific needs of hotels, considering factors like guest occupancy, event schedules, and room preferences to optimize energy use.
  2. User-Friendly Interfaces: User interfaces for Power Saver Systems will become more intuitive and user-friendly. Hotel staff will have easy access to data and control options, simplifying system operation and management.
  3. Energy Analytics: Advanced analytics tools will provide hotels with deep insights into their energy usage. This data-driven approach will enable hotels to make informed decisions about energy conservation strategies and further optimize their systems.
  4. Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS): EaaS models may emerge, allowing hotels to pay for energy efficiency services on a subscription basis. This can lower the barrier to entry for hotels looking to implement Power Saver Systems.

The Role of Power Saver Systems in the Future:

Power Saver Systems will continue to be at the forefront of energy efficiency efforts in hotels. They will serve as the foundation for integrating and controlling various energy-saving technologies. By embracing these innovations, hotels can not only stay competitive but also contribute to a sustainable future by significantly reducing their environmental impact.

References and Further Reading

  1. Anderson, L. (2022). Smart Hotels: Integrating IoT and Energy Efficiency. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, 123-135.
  2. Brown, S. (2021). The Business Case for Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry. Sustainability, 13(5), 2457.
  3. International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IHRA). (2022). Sustainability Practices in the Hospitality Industry: A Global Perspective. IHRA Publications.
  4. Kim, E. (2022). Demand Response Strategies for Hotels: A Case Study of Energy Management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2456.
  5. Smith, P. (2021). Renewable Energy Integration in Hotels: Case Studies from Leading Chains. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 35, 1-14.

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