Bridge 2 : Persona Research and Process

These are the sketches of my partner’s artifact from The Met.
Dish with dragon and waves

This is the main artifact I used in my idea sketches

Idea Sketches

My partner’s fear was drowning in the deep sea and almost falling off a cliff.

These are some idea sketches. The first four ideas are about drowning and the fifth idea is about falling off a cliff.


This is the pattern I designed based on the waves inside the dish.


This is the prototype of the 1st idea. I wanted the embody the pain of drowning.

This is the prototype of the 2nd idea. This also embodies the pain in the mask.

TThis is the prototype of the 5th idea. This idea is based on my partner’s experience of almost falling off a cliff.


This project is about either protect or embody our partner’s fear by creating a wearable garment. After visiting the Met with our partner and seeing the artifacts they chose, we make the wearable garment inspired by the artifacts. The most interesting fear for me was drowning in the deep sea because I also have a similar fear. So for my final piece, I decided to develop the second idea. This embodies the fear of my partner. The mask is made of swirls of water. I decided to make the base of the swirls with wire and then cover them with tissue paper. Also, in the white tissue paper, I transferred the pattern I designed with transfer marker.

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