Project 3: Built Metropolis

For the project, we were assigned to choose one building in the city and make our own interpretation of it through clay using the ceramics lab. My personal purpose was to understand the use of the ceramics lab and get familiar with the clay.


I first went out to take pictures of two buildings that I possibly wanted to make for the project. I sketched the structures and researched some history about the buildings. I chose The New School University Center building and the Jefferson Market Library as my two buildings. I then decided to work with the public library.

During the process of making the building in the ceramics lab, I first made four walls with windows carved in and brick patterns imprinted with the use of the needle and the brick pattern roller. I then used the technique of scoring and adding extra clay to put them four walls together on the base. I then put a roof which I later put details etching and adding more clay.



I tried to focus on the basic structures of the building and for the details, I tried to focus on my own interpretation of it. Since I was limited to time, I simplified the building as much as I could while still keeping some details and patterns.

As I went along, my plan shifted a bit because the outcome was a more simplified version than I wanted, but I am pretty satisfied with the result considering the limited time I had. Through this assignment, I learned how hard it is to control with clay, but I am glad I got to learn the different techniques and tools for using clay.


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