Field trip to the Museum of City of New York was by far my favorite place visited in Sustainable Systems. It was composed of many interesting visuals and brief games for people to participate. It was not only engaging and interesting but also informative as it touched about the different problems in the city, from traffic to homelessness. The information that was displayed not only talked about the past but tackled on how our present can affect the future and hence explains the name of the exhibition Mapping NYC 2000-2050. When you walk into the room, there is a long table with different colored square sheets of paper. The paper asks What if…, allowing a space for people to freely and creatively write their imagination. Looking through some of the responses, it was fascinating that most people wrote their fear and worries. For instance, one person wrote “What if Trump got out of office?. Some people wrote in regards to life and death; “What if we could live forever?” “What if there was life after death?” It’s intriguing how most people think of negative things before positive things.