The overview of this assignment was to learn how to etch on a plexiglass and press print on to paper using the print pressing lab.
First, I read different myths and legends, choose 2 myths and a legend, and then sketched my own interpretation of the stories. I choose Hercules and Odyssey for the 2 myths and Why Fire Belongs to Man for the legend. The sketches have been scanned and reversed horizontally so that the print will match the sketch.
Then, I went down to the print pressing lab with the class and started etching on the plexiglass. I made sure to have the plexiglass stay stable to the sketch by taping the corners to the back side of the scanned version of the sketch. While etching, I had to occasionally lift the plate off the sketch and place it onto a dark background to check the etching. While this was happening, my four 11×14″ printmaking papers were submerged in the water.
(hard to take photos without reflection)
Next, when the etched plate was ready for printing, I applied a coat of ink onto the plate. I used a spatula to melt the ink by spreading it back and forth. After having the plate covered with ink, I used cloth and Q-tips to wipe away the excess of ink.
Finally, when everything was ready, I got my paper out of the water and dried it until damp using a towel provided. I placed the etched plate on to the print pressing machine and then my print paper on top. I covered the whole thing with the newsprint paper and then rolled the machine. I made sure I felt the difference in the pressure during rolling to know that the print has been done all the way. For the Hercules print, my first attempt wasn’t successful so I had to go back and made the etching deep enough and made sure to not wipe too much ink off the plate. This allowed my second print to pick up more color and texture.
For the myth of Hercules, I wanted to sketch to exaggerate the muscled of Hercules which is an important character of his in the story.
For the Why Fire Belongs to Man, I wanted to focus on the fire. Thus, I printed the fire in a different color and decided to leave some ink to depict flames.
It was my first time etching on plexiglass and then press printing. I was surprised by how fast the process took from etching on the plexiglass and press printing. It’s probably my first time being able to actually get things done in class. I would definitely use this process in the future for another class.
I was most surprised with the difference in outcomes of my first attempt and second attempt according to the amount of ink and the depth of etching made. It was really helpful seeing other people’s technique on how much they removed the ink before printing.