New photograph for Resubmission:

I tried to get a more detailed view of the camera. In photoshop, I mainly focused on editing out dust using the healing tool.
When choosing the subject, I tried to look for something that had texture. I decided to work with an old Nikon film camera that I had long forgotten existed and decided to give life to it once again. I was a bit hesitant about the choice of white wrinkled curtain at first. However, at the end, I think the contrast between the curtain’s softness highlighted by the wrinkles and the camera’s stiffness and texture added a nice element to the photograph. I did have a hard time editing the photos in Photoshop, because I had no prior editing experience. I mainly tried to focus on altering the brightness and the contrast. Overall, I enjoyed doing this assignment as the supplies used were the things that are laying around in my room.
Step 1: Choosing Supplies
I chose to photograph an old film camera which I haven’t bothered to touch in years, and for my background, I chose a white curtain that I own. At first, I was worried about the wrinkles of the curtain but decided it would be a great contrast to the stiffness of the camera. For lighting, I chose to work with artificial lighting and used the floor stand I had in my room.
Step 2: Set-up
I’ve taped the curtain to the walls and let it slope between the wall and the floor. I then placed the camera on the floor on top of the curtain. I had to lay down the floor stand as I wanted it to be directly facing the front of the camera.
I then photographed from few different angles and carefully chose three favorites which I edited using Photoshop.