Time isn’t experienced solely through our visual. Instead, it requires all of our senses— sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste — and also different emotions, whether that is happiness, sadness, excitement, anxiety, etc. The same exact moment can be felt and remembered differently through different perceptions. How someone perceives a moment will always be different from how someone else feels it. That difference may be small or big, but regardless of the degree of difference, people will inevitably experience time in different ways. In addition, our memory of the past gets altered to our likings as time passes; thus, our memory is flawed.
Through the Time Capsule project, I want my single image to be a composition of different things that represent the senses and the emotions that help experience and remember time. The different feelings will be created through different colors, patterns, textures, etc.
Time isn’t experienced solely through our visual; however, it requires our five senses and emotions to work together to help feel and remember time. When we remember a moment, we remember the emotions, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch that were simultaneously going on at that time. The same exact moment can be felt and remembered differently through different perceptions. How someone perceives a moment will always be different from how someone else perceives it. That difference may be small or big, but regardless of the degree of difference, people will inevitably experience time in different ways. Through this work, I wanted to show the components that help us experience time. The many faces expressed represent the emotions, and the composition of different elements in the background is an attempt to imitate the different senses that are felt. The bright colors, patterns, and textures create a complicated mood; this portrays that experiencing time is a rather complicated process which takes multiple senses and emotions for it to happen. In addition, our memory of the past gets altered to our likings as time passes; thus, our memory is fuzzy and flawed.