In 2012, the mass shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School left many in shock and grief. Numerous of children and adults died and many were forced to live in trauma after the fatal tragedy. In this iconic photo of the tragedy, the photographer did an outstanding job portraying what was happening at that time and expressing the emotions that the people in the photo were going through. The focal point is placed on the children being evacuated by the adults, but more specifically, the bright blue shirt of the girl in the middle of the photo really draws the attention of the peers. Her face expression shows the trauma and the pain that they have gone through before the photo was taken, while the photo was taken, as well as the pain they will have to live with after the photo is taken. The crying faces of the children makes it seem as the peer is at the scene surrounded by all the cries of fear that were occurring at the scene. In addition, the confused faces of some of the children describes how naive and vulnerable they were. Furthermore, how the children are lined up and unified in the photo makes the peers know well that this was all happening at a school, a familiar place for most of us. By doing this, it alerts the peers how this incident can happen in anywhere and to anyone.