

Through this soundscape, I wanted to portray a dreamy like scene of meeting a loved one in the Manhattan street. I wanted to illustrate the excitement and delight upon meeting a loved one through the cancellation of the annoying city noise and the slow transition into the slowed footsteps and calm peaceful music. The contrast between the loud annoying noise of the city in the beginning and the peaceful music and the lovely muffled sound of the conversation emphasizes the emotions that someone goes through when encountering the loved one. The most challenging part of making this soundscape was trying to make the city noise vivid as possible in order to allow the audience feel as if he/she is there at the scene and to convey the emotions through the vivid sounds.

  • city noise
  • rain sound
  • ambulance sound
  • cat calling sound
  • sighing sound
  • people walking
  • two people conversation
  • music


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