PDF of Final

: my heart

Brainstorming an encyclopedia

An encyclopaedia of my heart. What goes on in my heart, how I categorize my love for people, places and things. I think this could be a very personal and beautiful thing to welcome and display my passions and cares.

possibilities to look into:

  • stuff I love to date and time it.
  • Moments.
  • Drawing of an actual heart, human, animal?
  • sketches, photos, smell
  • memories
  • feelings/sensations

I love to cook! My dream would be to go to culinary school one day. I have a house hoarded by cooking books and magazines. I cook plates and create meals every day. I picture a fun colourful how-to recipe with very detailed drawings/ drawing on windows paint/

possibilities to look into:

    • the plating,
    • the table set up,
    • drawing the set up,
    • mise en place
    • the mess after/ the cleanup

drawing styles:

  • Microsoft paint
  • fine marker
  • illustrator
  • procreate – iPad
  • watercolour mix

An inspiration I will be taken from is a book I own, Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini. If you have not seen this book, please google it. it’s so beautiful and is a treasured possession of mine. His drawings and creations are like no other, and the fact that he created a secret language that is filled throughout all? (who knows how many pages cause he also made up new numbers aha) is incredible



my heart, I’m pleased with how this sketch came out. You can see that I have still stuck to my original drawing of the actual human heart. However, this one is more detailed and realistic.

page one

page two


These two pages represent what I hold in my heart and how I would visualize them laid out. Each item will be numbered and labelled. The soft blue background is a colour which I always chose when I go to draw. I have this colour everywhere, even on my ELP background.


rough sketch/design layout

as you may be able to tell by my sketch. I was inspired by the wiki how and their structure. Wiki, how is a website which I believe everyone has at least once used? Wiki how can have some helpful information; however, for the most part, these days, a lot of their posts seem to be rather silly. I wanted to create a how-to that’s so mainstream but something everyone could find exciting and easily accessible to try.

The Reese’s peanut butter cup. Reeses has only come ou to Australia in the past year. Since then, I have been enjoying many peanut butter cups. It wasn’t until the past week that I was sitting down with my partner when he saw the way I ate mine and the process that went into it. I was then inspired to create a How to eat a peanut butter cup, the way I do.


the final

my heart


this assignment was a process that took some time. It was an excellent way to reflect on myself and what I have/enjoy in my life. Selecting the few that stand out the post these days says a lot, I believe. If I were to do this same assignment a year ago or a year from now, I would be inquisitive to see if everything is still there, what would be new if anything would go. As for my how to. I think it was a fun, creative project that I loved creating.