Integrative Seminar 1: Reflection Post

Going to major in Architectural Design, I am not only interested in handcrafted models and urban structures, but also fond of comics and films, which is exactly the direction of my research paper in Seminar class.

Actually, the initial thought for this project was from my Time class when I was doing a 2-D time-based media project and read the book named Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud. Reading that book enabled me to really understand the essence, techniques, and values of comics. After deciding to engage comics as a large part in my research paper, I thought about other different but cohesive medias, such as the film and motion photography, to build connections within them. A lot of researches were done and a few books read. I finally launched a timeline about time-based media in my head, from comics to motion photography and finally to films.



In order to prove my conjecture and literally build all those connections, I focused on the similarities of editing techniques of comics and the film (montage), mostly from the book Film Form by Sergei Eisenstein. Going more deeply, I analyzed the question why people can understand the discontinuity caused by static images and editing of comics and films. And I answered that question from two perspectives, professional as psychological theories and highly accessible as daily-life experience, partly from the book In the Blink of an Eye by Walter Murch.


In the process of writing this paper, I was also making a two-minute video for Studio class with my animal and I wanted to try motion photography. Thus, I made the first part of my video in the format of stop motion, which contained hundreds of photos and was much more complicated than I had thought it to be.


I have to say I devoted a lot to the research paper and Studio video and glad I made it. Specially making a motion photography by myself deepened and reconstructed my idea about Seminar research paper and motion photography itself. In the future, I will try to make more motion photography and keep analyzing on interactive medias.


Check my video and post in Studio here:

Int Studio 1 Final: 2-minute video: Travel

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