5 thoughts on “Studio 2: Pecha-Kucha”

  1. Iverson,
    I liked your images that depict the movements of individuals in your site. You can clearly see the movements and directions individuals take when involved in a game that creates new borders, apart from the ones created in just the site. I also felt it was creative to use foot patterns as a way to show human activity.

  2. Iverson,
    I can see that you’re tracing out a certain pattern of actitivities as seen from the footsteps. It is clear that the border of your site is along the basketball court, and the footsteps represent the players who are moving along with the basketball. It is also nice that you zoom in and out the different sketches to represent the activities that were happening that time.

  3. Iverson,
    I loved the images you gathered for your video. The way you drew out the border of the court and displayed feel overtop helped demonstrate the type of border at your site. It was a creative idea to depict the movement of the key actors of your site on the border.

  4. It is a very creative idea to show how those within the space function and how their movement is hindered by a barrier. Also showing how the space is shaped by how those in the community use the site, is a very creative idea that shows that the location is very particular in its usage.

  5. You delivered a message in simple and precise way. I appreciate simplicity, as simple messages can be hard to showcase. Bird-eye view map of key actors movements within the park shows exactly who they are, what they are doing, and what is the separation, which if I read it properly isn’t only a physical boarder, but also the idea of being the part of community. If you are the part of this community you are welcomed to play the game, if not, you may be have to become a member.

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