Currents: What Makes a Village: Artists and Works I Admire

As I illustrated in my personal information sheet, there are three fellows I admire the most till this point of my life.

  1. Casey Neistat:

Go click on the list and choose the one called Life Explained in 27 Seconds if you don’t have time to watch the whole playlist.

2. Terunobu Fujimori

This visual essay briefly and accurately introduces Terunobu Fujimori and his selected projects:


Nemunoki Museum of Art

His own residence, Tanpopo House

Too-High Tea House

3. Jay Chou

Wikipedia Page:

Maybe a little biased, I believe he is technically the first published rapper in Chinese music. He struggled much in his early career, doing “what he can’t” (the theme in Casey’s latest upload). One of the most representative and popular song is Nunchucks (雙截棍). Try it and you can have a taste how impactful when it first came out in China.

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