Space and Materiality: Volume and Mass

Definition of vessel

  1. a :  a container (as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something

    b :  a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused

  2. :  a watercraft bigger than a rowboat

  3. a :  a tube or canal (as an artery) in which a body fluid is contained and conveyed or circulated

    b :  a conducting tube in the xylem of a vascular plant formed by the fusion and loss of end walls of a series of cells

In this unit, cast plaster on attached foam board in order to create positive and negative space.

My initial intention was not to make a container (a fountain, a cup, etc.) for water, but to construct an architectural structure. As the elements emerged gradually, I displayed them through multiple perspectives and was interested more in an open mouth facing up.

Then, once combining the torsos together, since it did have a cup-shape negative space, I filled it with water and attached the triangular nose on to help the water flow out.

I think this piece (I named it Doctor) fits into the definition of “vessel” as a container, or even a potential ship.

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