Time Unit 4, Milestone #3: Media objects

For this project, I finally decided to only use texts and audios to create a nonlinear narrative. Unlike other writers and novelists, I believe my audience are also participants in my works. Their imagination should serve themselves while reading something, especially narratives. However, images are sort of restrictions for imagination for they indicate established visual information. So, I decided not to use images.

The audios here are basically just sound effect, in order to enrich the reading experience. The most important media here is text. Another interesting thing is, compared to some other choice-making novel, this one invites audience to directly choose from the texts, instead of literally choosing from options. Thus, audience sometimes have to guess what the word in context mean and what is the outcome from “clicking” that word.

I don’t want to post my texts here, so you don’t have to worry about spoiler.

Make sure to check my website here:


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