WEEK 2: Domains + Precedents Assignment


In my sticky note exercise,I try to write down everything in my mind. After I list up everything on the wall,I find that some ideas conflict with other ideas so I take off few ideas. For second step, I get rid of ideas that are too obvious so I cannot think of any design questions. This exercise really help me narrow down some ideas and think about more specific ideas.

By domain study

I would like to research about effective way to cat owners interact with each other in their local area to  communicate, build relationship and share information with other cat owners.

Cat owners and cats are often considered to be unsociable nature.

in fact, many of owners want to interact with other cat owners. Sometimes they try to make friends for their cat but not like a dogs most of cats stay in their home so it’s really hard to meet other cat owner from outside.

Therefore, I like to make a small accessory for cat owners. when the owners come close to each other with this device, This device will  notify that other owner is in near distance and exchange their cats information. later on owner can check other cats information, blog and also send a messages through the app.

On the app owners should use their cat’s identity as their identity and less human information as possible.