WEEK2: Reflection


  • What were three significant achievements for the past week?

– I decide main audience for my project. I did some personal researches about pet owners. In America, There are more dog owners than cat owners. Most of dog owners like cats and most of cat owners like dogs too. plus + some cats get alone with dogs. Therefore I don’t want limit my audience to just cat owners.

– I researched some dating website for pet owners and all of those websites didn’t really reflect their pets well enough and all of owner’s profiles are not attractive so I’m thinking how can I use their pet’s identity can be benefits to their owners. so I want research more about why many people feel attractive to cute animals.

-I narrow down the main purpose of this project. my first idea was more focused on pet itself but I change my mind to focus on pet owners. My reason is that many animal behavior studies are done by humans but I’m not sure it’s based on human thoughts or animals really feel that way. Many pet owners assume their pet’s feeling based on their human behavior and feelings so I assumed that pet owners feel loneliness more then pet and want to sympathize with others.

  • Did you spend time on the right things? If not, how will you improve next week?

– I think I spend time on the right things so I could narrow down many ideas.

  • What was the biggest lesson you learned this past week?

– the biggest lesson I learned this past week is that it is very important to focus on specific audience because if idea is too broad, it is very hard to pick research topics and purpose could be not clear enough so next week I try to narrow down more and be more detailed about my idea.

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