Artist Discovery Posts – 2/14/18

Magdiel Lopez *MagD* – Seperation

As I was sitting on my computer working on a Photoshop render for a new poster. I starting thinking about aspects of my life that I feel are so much different from my peers. Here at Parsons I study Design and Tech with an emphasis on Web Development. I have been programming for both the desktop environment, mobile and web for a few years and have fallen in love with the idea of studying computer development. That being said, I never wanted to go to a traditional engineering school. I was also interested in learning more about design as it is an integral aspect of a solid, successful application. I thought about the separation between functionality and form in software and how often its a give and take relationship. For example people stick to this notion that a developer should have no design and sense and a designer shouldn’t have to know development. By separating those disciplines you end up with developers that don’t take into consideration a good user experience and a pleasant to look at user interface. But you also then have designers that don’t understand how practical their designs are based on an implementation stand point. I feel like the Design and Tech program here at school does not do a good job and merging those two disciplines and adds to the imbalance in the software development industry. I subscribe to many user experience and animation designers on a website called dribbble. It serves as a place for creative professionals to build a portfolio and share their work with others. Its an invite only system meaning the content is controlled, yielding better overall work. I came across a young graphic designer based in Texas named Magdiel Lopez. His work defines the word separation as most of his designers showcase the cut limbs overlapped on colorful backgrounds. Here is a link to his work. Enjoy!



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