It was a beautiful, sunny day for our sustainable systems Circle Line Boat Tour. While, we can talk about the New York City Harbor and water issues, it was good to see them first hand.
I was unaware of the toxic and oil infested area in a section of the water surrounding New York. It’s crazy to think how long an oil spill’s effects can last. Another interesting point during the boat tour was when we saw where all the Fresh Direct trucks come into New York each day. This has caused an increase in air pollution and respiratory problems such as asthma in the area. I was thinking more about how all this land was being misused for commercial business. Then I thought, why couldn’t it be used for organic urban farming in New York City? If the city implemented this, more local produce would be readily available to all of the boroughs of New York City. In addition, overall pollution would decrease and water could be absorbed into the ground rather than run off the concrete and into the harbor.
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