Twitter Post 13

According to the article, an estimated amount of 150,000 tons of food is thrown out everyday.   Not only is this considered wasteful because food which could have been consumed by or given away to those in need is lost, but there are environmental impacts.  It takes a lot of natural resources, pesticides, and energy to crow crops, process food, and transport packages, and to have this overflow requires us to think about how much we really need to buy and therefore how much we really need to grow.  The rotting food also clogs up landfills and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas which damages the ozone layer.  In order to change this habit of overconsumption and waste, people must foremost be informed and educated about where their food comes from, how it got there, and the harm the decay have on the environment.  Composting systems can also be implemented to create the waste into something useful.  I think this could also flow over into teaching people how to grow their own produce so the food system can remain local.

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