Space& Materiality
Macgyver Shirt Alteration
October 2019
Who is MacGyver? He is a movie character who was able to transform everything into something useful or even life-saving.
Goal: To make our shirts functional to help Parson’s first year student to survive.
How my modification fulfilled the goal: The room number logo on the back reminds each one of our classmates is a part of a warm, friendly and loving class. And we can recognize each other from the same class just by looking at the back of the shirts.
My Sketches & Prototypes:
I used to come up with the idea of sewing rulers onto the bottom of the shirt but I could not sew very well so the other student took over my job and I started printing our room numbers. It is for decoration purpose and it is fun to recognize people from our class just by seeing our room number on their backs (if people really wear them after we finish them collectively).
This is the first printing I did onto the back of Professor Hickman’s shirt.
Final Product