Integrative Seminar 2: Visual Culture - Bridge 1: Inquiry – FIELDWORK RESEARCH POEM

Integrative Seminar 2: Visual Culture – Bridge 1: Inquiry – FIELDWORK RESEARCH POEM

Class 2 – Field work process:


Exploring the 6 East 16th Street building:


Rough First draft 1:

Rough First draft 2:


Redacted poem exercise (before and after):

JR_Redacted Poem_digital copy

Final draft of poem:


Future improvements:

Casey’s comments on B1 final


Write what you found most interesting and surprising and illuminating about the research process and the resulting product:

Intially, I was not really sure how the seemingly random (and sometimes bizarre) prompts on the Field Work Process sheet would have enabled my classmates and I to create a poem from scratch. However, after having answered each of the prompts/questions to the best of my ability (and within the time frame and prescribed location) and then having been told to churn out a first draft in 20 or so minutes using our findings, I was pleasantly surprised to have developed a prospective start on my poem by the end of the class. After briefly reviewing what I had written after class, I realized that working under pressure has helped me focus on developing an authentic/genuine voice and therefore, creating an element of spontaneity to my writing that I did not anticipate.  I look forward to continuing to work on this written piece and see where this new and exciting process will take me.