Project 1: Are we there yet? Walking through time.

The final outcomes of this project are photographs that can represent time. I really did many efforts for the preparations. Though the process was tiring and challenging, I got to know how to use the printers at school, how to use a camera, how to use Adobe Bridge to categorize and file my photos, how to use Adobe Photoshop to resize my photos, how to create an ideal post on the learning portfolio… All these things are helpful during my transitional stage. And I started to know that the essence of a photo is not the visual effects, the implications of a photo is more important and we have to do many readings before we really get the point.




Data & Analysis

Route 1

During the first walk, the perceived time is longer than the actual time. I think it might be affected by factors such as traffic lights (red lights), things that distracted me (stores, billboards, and etc.), the sense of unfamiliar, and serenity.

So I mainly captured details like that in my camera and turn the aperture large to create a sense of depth. Besides, I think the effect created by a moving camera, moving object, with a blurred background is very suitable for the concept of slow down. Because we only focus on the motion of object and ignore the background, which shows that we are concentrated in on the moving object and forget about the time.



Route 2

For the second walk, the perceived time is also longer than the actual time. Factors that may influence me might be the bad weather (which did not exist anymore on my second walk), pauses while walking (for example walking into a store that fascinates me), constructions around the road that distracts me, plants and statues after the rain…

Details are also important on this route in order to show the elongation of time. And I put more attention on showing the background to show that I was spending time on look at the view. Meaningless and serene things can also make us feel that time is longer than usual so I captured several objects that gave me such sense.



Route 3

For the route 3, the perceived time becomes shorter than the actual time because I eagerly wanted to go home during my first walk and I walked really fast without look at the views. The objects was very vague to me at that time and I did not have time to look at them in details.

I used a still camera with moving objects, which can show the movements of objects on a photo. Initially, moving camera with moving still object was also applied but the final effects were not as good as I imagined.


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