Exquisite Corpse


  1. divide the paper into three equal parts and fold them. Make sure that you can only see the first 1/3 while drawing.
  2. Draw on the first 1/3.
  3. Make marks on the line you fold to give your group mate some hints.
  4. Switch your paper with your group mate.
  5. Draw anything your can imagine following the hint lines given by your group mate.
  6. Make marks again on the line you fold.
  7. Switch your paper with your group mate again and draw follow the hint lines.


First I drew a very famous emoji on the top 1/3 of the paper because I just used this emoji while chatting with my friends during the break. Asia drew two hint lines and the two lines makes the whole composition symmetrical. The distance between these two lines reminds me of cylinders and I don’t know why Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans came into my mind. After switching back our paper, I saw four hint lines given by Asia, two in a pair. This remind me of my favorite animation character, JUST WE. I felt a sense of accomplishment and really exciting after the entire drawing was revealed. Asia’s imagination gives me lots of surprises and the combination of different contents and styles is really fascinating. Asia and I drew in completely different styles. I prefer to add highlights, shade, and shadows to made the object more realistic even they are not objects in real world. While Asia like to use clear, neat, and well-designed lines in her drawings. We also get to know more about each other through the object we chose and our styles. I knew that Asia likes animals, especially cats. And she probably knew that I have interest in pop arts, animation, and popular culture. I used to think that drawing is a coherent process but this activity show me vividly that sometime we do not need and precise and profound theme. The collision of minds and the combination of different things create a unique and irreplaceable sense.

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