Project 2: Single Image—transitional space


The aim of this project is to take a single image of a transitional space, which connects two spaces or places together.

The transitional space I chose is the revolving door at 66 West, 12th Street. It’s a door that connects Lang building and the outdoor rest area of Lang.

Getting to Know the Space

There are two revolving doors at the Land building, and initially, I chose the entrance door, which connects the Land building and the sidewalk of 12th Street. I found the revolving door is not only a transition of space but also the transition of status of people who pass through the door. I took some photos after the class ended. Before my classmates entered the door, they were in a very tense and concentrated condition since they are still remaining the status in class. However, as they pass through the door, there involves a very important action–pushing the door. The action takes some energy, but sometimes an action will trigger or evoke some change in mood, just like a conditioned reflex. The action of pushing the revolving door and walking through the circular route actually changed the mood of people. And as they breathe in the fresh air and hear the sound of cars and birds, the transition stage is completed. What I want to express is the transition of mood, status, and condition influenced by different environment, in this case, Lang building and the outside.

People were walking through the door.

A girl is pushing the door and the action seems energy-taken.

Take a closer look at the door

the interior structure of the door

Here are some sketches I drew after exploring the transitional space for the first time. They shoe my understanding about this space.

More Photos

In my second exploration about the transitional space, I accidentally found that there are actually two revolving doors at Land building. One of them connects Land building and the sidewalks of 13th Street, the other one connects Lang building and the outdoor rest area. I took photos of both of these spaces based on my basic understandings about a revolving door.

The composition of this photo is symmetrical and it tells the structure of the revolving door.

I wanted to show the revolving door from another perspective. This perspective is quite good but due to the reflective surface of the glass, we can only see on of the space from the photo. Although it shows what’s inside the transitional space, the other space cannot be seen, so it’s not a good photo.

This photo shows the motion of the revolving door.

The contrast between outside and inside can be seen from difference of brightness.

I wanted to show the motion of the revolving door from the inside, but it was to blurred.

This is also a blurred photo as a experiment.

These are some new compositions I came up with after exploring more about the transitional space.


It’s a clearer version of the interior, but it’s too abstract.

This photo shows the motion of the door as well as the people passing through it.

There is a contrast between people outside and people walking through the door, which helps me to explain the two spaces connected by the door.

The other doors are still too reflective.

This is the final photo I selected among all the photos I took. It show both spaces it connected. We can tell the difference between different spaces by the contrast of brightness and the environment of these spaces. Also, the status of people in different spaces are clearly presented in this photo.

Final Shoot

I did not represent the interior space very strongly so I go back to my transitional space and took several pictures that shows the wall of the interior.

Final Work


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