Bridge Project 3: Animating Place

Our Place

The red quadrilateral shows where Korean town locate in. It’s on 32th Street between 5th and 6th Avenue.

Our Story

Our story takes place in K town, more specifically, BCD Tofu house. A women bought a lipstick and walked into the Tofu house with her lipsticks and ordered a bibimbap, the was a raw egg and a bacon inside the bibimbap. The bibimbap, raw eggs, and bacon started to tell their own stories.

The bibimbap came from Korea to America, he met the raw egg and they feel in love. So the raw egg became part of the bibimbap and made the bibimbap more tasty and original. Later the bacon was added to the bibimbap to fit the taste of Americans. When the bacon first came to K town, he cannot understand people in K town and neither do they. There exist a huge culture shock.

As the women leave BCD Tofu house, new lipstick accidentally fell out of her bag and rolled into the trash.


Our group did really well in cooperate with each other. We take advantage of what each person is good at. For me, I am good at doing crafts with cardboard and clay. So I contribute a lot when making the settings and making our characters. Although I cannot use Premiere Pro to edit the video, I still contribute during the stage of editing by giving them feedbacks as an audience and giving them suggestions about how to edit our films.

Yiqian and I figured out how to make the 3D settings and characters together. While we are responsible for different jobs. For example, she is really good at drawing so we make her draw the figure of the woman, and the outcome is really impressive. And I made something more 3D such as bibimbap, trash can, and eggs. And we discuss about the size of each character to make her drawing and my clay work fit in proportion.

I made the background with Yiqian and Mimi. I went to UC to print them out during the break and they gave me a break by helping to attach them to the cardboard. We try to make everyone feel not that exhausted and stressful and I really enjoyed working in this group.

Mimi, Gavin and I worked as a group to edit the final film. At first I felt I was so useless because I cannot use the software. I can just give them suggestions and my feelings towards the film but I can never help them with editing as they feel sick and tired of doing that. Later I figured out how to use the software by observing them. I learned skills about how to use techniques like razors, video effects, and extensions from my partners and I found it feels much better after I can help them.

We shoot the photos together and suffer from that huge pressure. We are switching our jobs all the time except for Mimi, she is also holding the camera for us. That must be the most exhausting job and I am really worried about her. I have do the lighting, move the objects, and draw on the characters. Yiqian, Gavin, and I have all gone these jobs because a single person cannot hold the light for such long time.

Although we made lots of efforts, the project still doesn’t turn out the way I imagined. I thought there will be 30 pictures in one second so out film will look very fluent, but it turns out that we cannot achieve that goal and it is not as fluent as I thought. Sometimes, we did not take the pauses during conversations while we were shooting so we have to add pauses while we were editing.

The order of how we arrange our story is also different from what I expected. Since verbal description is really different from visual form. In order to make it clearer and more understandable, we have to arrange the sequence for the clips.

Amazingly, we are able to tell each of other single stories. We really struggled with how to combine out stories at first but we finally made it and I think the final outcome make sense.

While working in a group, I found our efficiency is really high because we don’t want to be blamed by other people and we know that we are not working for ourselves. Also, I can learn a lot from my partners, for example, how to use Premiere Pro. But working together is not that easy for me because I would feel very uncomfortable if everyone else it working while I cannot find my place. Also, we have different opinions sometimes and we have to compromise. After all, working in a group is great because I will never be able to make a stop motion film like that by myself. My partners support me physically and mentally and I really appreciate that.

Our Final

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