Project 7: Sound and Vision

The Space that Originally Inspired the Project

I was thinking about this project on my way home, and it was a windy day. I suddenly linked the sound of wind with my audio work. I hold the recorder and wave my hands hard in order to mimic the sound of wind. I thought the street with strong wind could be my space for the video. Also, I was thinking about taking some vitamins after arriving the dorm because it was such a cold day and I really need to enhance my immunization. I did some sound related to water and used water to mimic some specific sound in my audio. So I wanted to integrate the action of taking vitamins in my video. This could take place in my dorm because there is a sound of opening a heavy door in my audio. The spaces in my final work are streets and my dorm.

Working Process

The inspiration came out of my mind on my way home and I collected some videos and photos on my way home and in my dorm while taking vitamins.

After reviewing these videos and photos, I deleted some of them which did not meet my requirements then I started to edit a draft without any transitions and fade in/out effects.

To make the video more fluent and visually attractive, I need to add effects to it but I don’t know how to make it. So I posted my questions on canvas. I received some feedbacks from my teacher and followed his instructions to add all these special effects and transitions.

Compositional Strategy or Objective

I combined the street scene with the vitamin scene together because the video has to fit the audio. But editing in this way also shows the audience how eagerly I wanted to take the vitamins. I wanted to tell them I was thinking about the vitamins all the way home. Also, I added some black and white effects during the transition between the street scene and vitamin scene to show it was just my illusion.

I added a blackout and a blur effect at the end of the stair scene to show I was so weak and about to fall down, it served to make the transition more natural at the same time.

I added several blur effects on the street scene to show that I was weak and illusion started to came into my mind.


The final outcome was much better than my expectation. Initially I thought making the video match the audio is hard enough for me. After exploring Premiere Pro, I found several really interesting things about it and I really enjoyed working with it. I thought with the help of different effects, I got to convey my idea in a better way.

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