
In this assignment, we are required to select a site as well and think about the different between our mediate experience and immediate experience about this place. We are going to intervene the viewers’ immediate experience by our own immediate experience. For them, our immediate experience is their mediate experience and they can thus find the difference of the same place at different time. We are supposed to create a website for a hand-held device (smart phone) and helping our audience to access the place, plan their route and use various media to intervene their experience. The media include text, audio, images, and video. The territory can be interior or exterior but we will provide a structure of beginning, middle and end in our work. We are encouraged to take a fictional approach to interact with our viewers.

My Project

Here is the link for my site. You should open it with your phone.

As for me, I chose the cafe and 63rd, 5th Avenue as my site. It’s located at the second floor of university center. It’s a place that most students at The New School can easily get access to and familiar with. I divide this site into different sections and selected only 6 of these sections.

My website shows the audience around the cafe, tell them my experience, recommendations, and immediate feeling. Also, I ask them to buy an apple to make them feel that they are more engaged in this whole process. I also raised some questions for them to let them think and compare during their walks.

I want to intervene the audience’s mediate experience by showing them the video of my immediate experience while walking in the cafe and the audio of my mediate experience after coming back home and think about how to plan this website. In order to make the walk more fluent and natural, I plan route in the order place. They can visit 6 places with out walking back and forth and the time. The route this take a couple of seconds. But if the audience is taking a look at my website at the same time, it will take them a couple of minutes.

I interact with my audience by asking them to buy an apple because the apple can be bought at the start of the walk and it should be paid at the end of this walk. It helps to create a good sense of beginning and ending. Also, in order to have a better interaction with my audiences, I ask them to compare the difference between what they see in the reality and what they see in the video. I ask them for the feedback for the taste of the apple and give my comments on the apple. I tell them my favorite and least favorite part of the cafe and give some recommendations on the food. Smell is something can cannot be showed through any form of media, only guiding them to the actual site can help them to have the exact feeling. I really enjoy the smell of Grill Bar so I guide my audience to Grill Bar by the smell and I think they are going to find something interesting from this experiment.

Images: Storyboard

LP Images: Page Designs

Self Assessment

The process of coming up with the general idea so very struggling for me because I was think about designing a narrative character and I don’t know how to integrate it naturally. Plus, I don’t want my audiences to read a lot of texts during their walks because it will distract them from receiving their own immediate experience. So I finally came up with the idea of using a video mixed with an audio that was recorded later to tell them what to do and describe my experience. The form of using a narrator in the audio helps me to express my understanding and use of immediate and mediate experience very well.

I was struggling with the coding issues, especially for how to set the background image, but after setting up all my pages, I found it’s better for me to not have a background image or it will be too messy and crowded. So it’s better for us to make a planning for the web page and image what it would look like to the audience first. Ideally, we should start coding after we make sure about every detail, but the reality it the outcome is always different with what we expected. So it is necessary for us to make both perfect planning and detailed adjustment.

I think I was doing a good job in layout because I do not have a lot of unnecessary distracting text, I converted text into audios and integrate them in the background of the video. My audience don’t have to scroll up and down because I set my text, audio, and video just in the center of page which is very prone for them to read and watch.

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