Project 1: Object Story

Project 1: Object Story

Hi, I am Noah. I have stayed with my friends in this cute ball-shaped container for a couple of months since we were produced from the production line. We played and chatted and I really enjoyed the time spending with my friends. Something weird started to happen around us since two weeks ago. A girl called Jing opens the container everyday and takes one of us out. Unfortunately, those guys never came back. Nobody knows where they were going. On the first day, Michael left us, then Ella, Luke, Alex, Tina, Olivia, Natalie, Isaac…

This morning, when Jing opened the container, she stared at me for a moment, picked me out and put me into a small box.

I met some new friends there. Some of them look the same, some of them look different, but none of them look the same as me.

“Hey, guys. I am Noah.” I wanted to be part of this big community so I greeted them warmly.

“Hey, I am Georgia.” A red capsule said.

“My name is Ray.” Ray looked exactly the same as Georgia.

“I’m Allen.” They must be triplets, I wondered.

“We are Grape seed extract.”

Grape seed? They will grow into grape trees someday? I thought.

“Hey, I’m Zoey. I am zinc.”

Zinc? You must be kidding me. You are not metallic at all. I thought.

“What are you, Noah?”

“I am…” Wait…What am I? Good question.

“Have you guys seem someone who looks like me before?”

“No.” They shook their heads: “We are all new here. But we are sure that you are a pill because this is a pillbox.”

“Am I going to be eaten by Jing? No way!” I was so devastated.

“Don’t panic, boy. This is your destiny,”said Ray

After Jing had breakfast, Georgia, the grape seed, was taken out of the pillbox. She swallowed Georgia! She is so cruel…

At lunch time, Ray and Zoey were missing.

“Why are we still here?” I asked Allen.

“I don’t know. She already took a lot of pills today, maybe we will not be taken today.”

Allen was wrong, he was taken by Jing after dinner. I was the only one left in this container. I was SOOOOO lonely.

I started to be worried about my destiny, but I found something unusual. Jing took all the pills with meal. She finished all the three meals today, which means… I will not be eaten by her!

It was 11:00pm, Jing went to bed and she put me under her pillow. I was so relieved. I am going to survive.

12:00am, she is still awake, tossing and turning.

1:00am, she started to spend time on the phone, Instagram, Snapchat, Headspace…

2:00am, she turned off her phone and tried to fall asleep, but failed.

3:00am, she looked at the ceiling and sighed. She was tortured by insomnia. I was taken out of the pillbox. I was so frightened. She grabbed a bottle of water and swallowed me with water. I began to dissolve and flowed into her veins.

4:00am, she fell asleep. I helped her to overcome her insomnia! I am not a useless pill anymore. I have contributed to Jing’s health. But… I have dissolved… It isn’t that bad. At least I know what I am.

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