Research Outline


4/3 Read Materials related to Media and Propaganda

The Objective Failure of American Media

Media Censorship in China

Compare and Contrast the function of media in these two countries, how they engage in propaganda.

4/4 Upload research outline+2 key texts on learning portfolio
4/5 Write an Intro

Read Materials related to Chinese economic reform and collective farming

Collective Farms in Communist China:

Economic reform of China (property right, factor income):

Think about how communism has influenced the collective heroism in China and work on Argument 1(China part)

4/6 Read Materials related to personal heroism and heroism in the US

The Psychology Behind the Heroism

American Heroism

Think about cultural context has influenced the heroism in the US and work on Argument 1 (US part)

4/7 Read Materials that defines collective and personal heroism

Personal heroism:

Chu Anping and the ‘Party Empire’ (I)

Collective heroism:

The Makings of a Revolutionary Hero Avant La Lettre: The Adventurous Life of l’Abbé Comte Jean-Albert Archambaud De Bucquoy (1670-1740)

Compare and contrast heroism in China and the US

4/8 Read Materials related to Chinese’s people’s traditional thoughts towards homeland

“Shanshui Poetry”

Yu Gong Yi Shan Idiom:

History of China:

Think about Chinese people’s emotional attachment to their homeland  and work on Argument 2 (China part)

4/10 Finish working on Reading Response 3 (The Objective Failure of American Media vs. Media Censorship in China)
4/11 Submit Reading Response 3 (The Objective Failure of American Media vs. Media Censorship in China)
Read Materials related to US people’s courage and spirit to explore

European Colonization of the Americas

Colonial Settlement

Work on Argument 2 (US part)

4/12 Review both movies

Compare and contrast how they express the concept of “love” in different ways, what kind of love they want to express, why they want to express this kind of love, is there any propaganda issue?

4/13 Work on Argument 3
4/14 Work on the conclusion, see what is not covered or not being explained enough in the body paragraph.
4/15 Finishing working on the 1st draft

List all the requirements, questions and things I want to achieve. Read my own writing. Check if I can solve these problems and make improvements by myself.

4/16 Appointment at the Learning Center

Revise the paper base on the suggestions given by the tutors

4/17 Submit 1st draft


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