My Habitat

  1. What is a habitat?


A habitat is what sustains an animal, plant, or other organism. For people, a habitat can mean a home, a city, or their usual hang out spot. Also included is food, shelter, and anything else that helps support the living thing. For humans, this support could be emotional as well as physical.

Support, a way to thrive, place to work.


  1. What is YOUR habitat?


In San Francisco, I would say that my habitat was the Mission District. Almost all of my activities were done in this neighborhood. I lived and worked there, and did most of my extracurricular activities there. I still think of the Mission being my habitat, and it will always be a big part of my life. It made me the person I am today!


However, when it was mentioned in class, the first idea that popped into my head was my room here in Brooklyn. New York City is so big, so busy, and so crowded, it’s rare to find a quiet place to be alone. I feel very fortunate to have found a space to call my own. My room is my sanctuary. I brought some essential things from San Francisco to make the space feel familiar.

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