When I registered for classes over the summer, picking the theme of “shift” was no accident. Over the course of the last year, I have been intentionally shifting, both physically and spiritually. My move to New York City was the ultimate shift: I physically shifted from one end of the country to the other. I changed communities, apartments, and priorities. I went from working full time to being a full time student.

I documented this shift throughout the semester in my work from the very beginning. I made my first animated gif (first ever!) in studio, which showed a shift from San Francisco’s Ocean Beach to New York’s Coney Island. I recalled memories in multiple papers in seminar, from “13 Flashes of Memories” to my most recent paper which focused on color. And the shifting has not stopped! Since arriving at The New School, I have continued to shift. Come spring semester, I am changing focuses and switching schools. The most important aspect of “shift” to me is the concept of forward progress, of learning, and of being flexible to go with wherever the next shift takes me.

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