Bridge 2

For Bridge 2 we had to interview our partner and later depict the story or the essence of what they told us in a piece of work. My partner was Milo, who told me the story of the last time she saw her best friend Tyler. I took notes of the story on my phone and from those notes, I was able to craft my piece.

Notes from my phone

From the story she told me, I picked out key points which I could artistically render. The main points – which I also double checked with her so that the story stays true – were the bubble tea, museum visit, river walk, the delay of separation, and the final goodbye.

I messaged Milo about my ideas for a final piece – I wanted her input especially since it’s a story very close to her. I wanted the story and the piece to match, have a similar feeling, and after talking to her about my ideas we both decided that my idea of a journal or diary entry would work the best to capture her story’s essence.

I knew from the beginning that I would want to do this journal

Messages in between myself and Milo

entry in sharpie (especially the written aspect) because Sharpie is a permanent marker and this is the memory – she said – that “if she could only keep one, this would be the one”.

I added embellishments like little drawings to give some images of the focal points of the story some life. I also added some actual photos of the day that Milo sent to me over iMessage. I created fake ticket stubs of the museum exhibit that she attended and also looked for images of bubble tea that she drank.

After that, I added a background in Adobe Illustrator that kind of alluded to the feeling of conflict – the smooth and more jagged lines and the contrasting red and blue all add to this, I think. This is because of how such a wonderful time was spent between Milo and Tyler, however, the impending separation almost made it ‘bad’. It was a day reminiscent of something bittersweet and I tried to portray that through the background.

Overall, I had a hard time starting this project – I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and didn’t know where to step next. My ideas were all jumbled and I wanted to portray the story she holds so close to her ‘perfectly’. After being able to talk to her and get past my ‘art block’ I think the project went smoothly and I thoroughly enjoyed it.



  1. Katmu Sangu · December 15, 2021 Reply

    s often found in your navigation, and people can’t resist clicking on it.

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    agario unblocked

  2. hen · December 17, 2021 Reply

    d later depict the story or the essence of what they told us in a piece of work. My partner was Milo, who told me the story of the last time she saw her best friend Tyler. I took notes of the story on my phone and from those notes, I was able to craft my piece.

    Notes from my phone

    From the story she told m

    agario unblocked

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