Final Project Proposal – Studio

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I plan on creating a handsewn silk garment with embellishments such as embroidery, beads, and possibly other fabrics – which I will determine once I can compare it to the silk I find.

Throughout the semester some recurring ideas in my head have been about the clothes and fashion of New York, even how I put myself out in the world with what I wear, and how I can use things that are traditionally hard, heavy, and overwhelming – like marble, gold, and other precious items – and create and reimagine them in a delicate piece. I have connected these two ideas by creating a garment that embodies these elements in a garment which will be a sort of robe/kimono hybrid, embodying my own Japanese culture and heritage, while also acknowledging my American/western background.

A lot of my inspiration actually stems from Bridge 3, when our group went to the Venetian Room (link to the website for the Venetian room: This really brought out my interest in the delicateness of gold and marble, as well as having something feel light while intrinsically being hefty or heavy. My inspiration for sewing a garment with embroidery has come from my new interest in punch needling and embroidery, which I first learned of from Instagram (@zuzanabird) which then lent itself to me exploring more ‘traditional’ types of embroidery with just a simple needle and thread. My idea of using silk or satin is actually from a very important memory from my sophomore year in high school when I was on the royal court for a thing we call Holoku which is a celebration of Hawaiian culture with dancing and singing on May Day, those very royal dresses were made of satin and has left a very regal and royal feeling imprinted on me. (link to that year’s Holoku pageant: Having a mixture of all these things that interest me while also are reminiscent of who I am has come together for this final project.

My current materials that I plan on acquiring are some silk (probably very little) and mostly satin for the body of the garment. I plan to get an array of threads to embroider with and little beads and embellishments to add onto the piece. I will probably use my embroidery needles and hoop that I have, as well as a hand-drawn, handmade pattern for this garment. I hope to create everything originally, especially with the design of not only the embroidery but the body as well.

My current timeline is as follows:

November 12: Have a general design and look on drawn mannequin/figure

November 16: Final pattern design (for the main body) drawn and cut out

November 17&18: Shop for fabric and any extra thread needed

November 18 – 25: Begin and Finish working on the body of the garment (without embellishments/embroidery)

November 25 – December 3: Begin and Finish embroidery and embellishments

December 4&5: Photograph garment and finish ELP

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