Studio – Final Project

For my final studio project I dived in to a topic that was very close to my heart. I really wanted to explore my connection to Hawaiian history. After writing my seminar paper and exploring different ideas I decided to create a children’s alphabet book on Hawaii and the overthrow of the monarchy.   For my process I began sketching in my sketchbook and looking at resources and making a plan of all of my spreads. I then began working digitally on in design and created my book. After that I printed in the design lab on arches watercolor paper. I then watercolored the details so the book would have a good balance between solely digital work and analog work. I then chose to do a Japanese binding because it felt very handmade and individual rather than the way perfect bound books feel more mass produced. All in all, I’m very proud of my project and the way it turned out, I definitely want to work with this technique of image making more and want to expand over the summer. 

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