Kayla Areglado

Communication Design Student, 2022

IS2 Bridge 1 Final: Chindōgu Culture Jam



One of the hardest things a person can do is to let go of something they have had for so long. For some people, that may be a blanket they have held on to since their infant years; for some, a cultural or religious practice they no longer believe in; and for many people, a habit or addiction they have held on to for so long.


Habits come in many forms rooted in a variety of causes, nail-biting being one common mannerism that individuals find themselves having. Although everyone’s habits have their own origins, one thing is for sure: getting over these habits requires a vigorous amount of self-discipline and resistance to oneself. It is one thing to resist something one acknowledges and is aware of, but another, much more demanding thing to oppose something one is unconscious of. Nail-biting is one of those activities that people generally do subconsciously, therefore it cannot be prevented through simply telling oneself to be aware of it. There will always be times when it will happen involuntarily, and this product aims to help get rid of the habit in spite of its subliminal nature.


The product covers the fingertips and restrains the hand so that it is unable to move toward the mouth, thereby eliminating the physical capacity of a person to bite their nails. It is designed cloth and chains to ensure the product’s durability. Chains connect the fingertip pieces to each other and is connected to a wrist piece to create the form and fit of a glove. A longer strand of chains is connected to the wrist piece and to a clip that can be attached to the clothes a person is wearing, which is the part of the product that creates a form of restraint for the user.


To advertise the product, the poster and slogan was themed after the show “How to Get Away with Murder” because of how the show exhibits the grueling amount of work lawyers and those in the justice system go through just to ensure their success – just like how individuals trying to stop nail-biting are trying to get over their habit. The idea for this theme also came about because of the bondage-like characteristics of the product.


Although this product was made for the purpose of preventing someone from nail-biting, what other purposes does the product have? This product can also be worn as a way to prevent binge eating in its entirety, and with its unique design, it may even be worn as a statement in itself.

aregk337 • February 4, 2019

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