Project 7: Sound and Vision

Time & Composition: Project 7

Sound & Vision: “Bees”

Process & Ideas:

Connected with Project 6, and in Project 6 I explored the Adobe Audition, while for Project 7, I also learnt to use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit and recreate videos.

Project 6 link (experiences, ideas and sketches included):

“The space I decided to create is in a park. There’s a bee is flying through people, trees, and lends on a coke can, at last, it went inside the coke can and drown in the soda. My audiences will follow the journey of the flying bee, experience the feelings of the bee and imagine how the world is like from the perspective of a bee by only listening to my final work. There’s the sounds of the wind, two-feet “monsters” talking, the noises in the park and the interesting bubbles in a can. I also drew a few sketches before I decided.”

For the video part, I decided to record it on street, it also included the elements I used in my audio. I chose to use a first-person perspective to show the story, so my audiences are actually the bee. I kind of change the sequences of some of the sounds, to show a different perspective and worldview of a bee, which is different comparing with human beings. Their senses and feelings maybe totally different. I also decided to use filters, changed the original colours of the video from “people’s” view.

Exploring videos:

Link (ideas and comments):

Thank you for reading(watching)!

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