[FAKE: STUDIO] Sites& Observations, Interviewing passersby


Site observation: Grace Church (802 Broadway, New York, NY 10003)


  • Sight: I could see the marvelous structure of the church building which has a high sealing, other sides, I could see the window designed with different colors of glass combined together to make a big, long, beautiful windows.
  • Smell: Old building smell, the smell of burning candles and candles that are still glowing.  

I could smell the old wood.

  • hearing: I could hear the echo of the prayers and the whispers of the people


  • Taste: I could taste the air of holiness and fresh, I could taste the old-fashioned air
  • Touch: I could feel the cold marble walls on my hand and as I move on, my hands were able to warm up by the candles that were glowing.
  • Materials: wood, marbles, glass, gold, silver, cement


Interviewing passersby



  • How often do you come to this church?

#1: I come to this church every Sundays.

#2: I came to this church during my vacation in New York.

  • What brought you to come to this church?

#1: I am

  • How long do you spend your time here during the week?
    #1: I spend about two hours at church to worship Jesus with my family.

#2: It has passed only 20 minutes that I’ve been here for the first time. (laughter)

  • Do you know any interesting facts or stories that are related to this place?

#1: I know Grace church was constructed in 1846 which is approximately 200 years ago.  

#2: I heard that this church is very old.

  • What is your favorite part about this place?

#1: I love the gardens outside and actually this church is very similar to the church that I use to go to my hometown Quebec.

#2: I like the atmosphere here. It just makes me calm and wanting to meditate.

  • Is there an object or architectural feature that is most interesting to you in this place?

I think the outside and inside has distinct contrasting features.

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