Posts by: balak372

Tower Project

Tower Project

For this assignment I was told to make a 2 story tower and a 3 story tower out of sturdy…
Ball Project

Ball Project

With this project I was challenged to make a pattern for a ball using plastic wrap and tape. I then…
Wanting Neverland

Wanting Neverland

This image contains drawings I created in my drawing class with photography of flowers I pass everyday on the way…


This piece was made using photoshop and incorporating my own photography, drawings and scanned imagery to create a balanced, colorful…
Palimpsests No. Infinity

Palimpsests No. Infinity

Palimpsests No. Infinity In my multiple perspective palimpsests piece, I chose to combined minor key and major key elements to…
Abstract Self Portrait

Abstract Self Portrait

My intent with this abstract self-portrait is to create a unique and personal bodysuit with subtle details that hold a…
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