Thesis 2: In-Class Free Write Class 1

  1. Goals: to have a better idea of my concept.  To be able to speak about my thesis more clearly.  To have a complete timeline of how I will be creating my installation structure and projection on the structure. Also, to have a better idea of what I want to do career wise after I graduate!
  2. Strengths: I am certain there will be a compelling visual component to my thesis.  Weaknesses: I do not have a complete thought provoking/concept for my thesis. I do not know how I am merging the digital with the handmade aspect of my thesis.
  3. I need a lot of assistance with my concept and how I will be making my project.  I’ve never made an architectural installation before.  I’ve also never done a projection project before..
  4. Thesis focus is climate change.  How sea levels are rising because of the ice sheets melting in Antarctica. I want to use sustainable materials like leather made out of kombucha and plastic made out of bacteria. My hope is to merge the natural world and natural materials with the technological world. I want to do this because I think I want to do sustainable set/stage design when I graduate!

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