Sustainable Systems Homework Assignment 1 (Due 1/31)

Part 1 – What am I hoping to accomplish this semester in sustainable systems?  What am I interested in making/doing/designing to help the planet?

I am hoping to accomplish quite a bit this semester.  I honestly didn’t think that I was that into sustainability but over the past year I’ve gotten very interested in it. As you know, I am a senior finishing my last semester.  I know that it’s a bit untraditional to take Sustainable Systems this late in the game but I’m actually really glad it turned out this way.  You’ve already helped me more with my thesis from just the first class than any of my other professors have thus far.  I already have a ton of questions that I hope I can annoy you with.

I am actually kind of hoping that you can be a mentor for me if you don’t mind/have enough time because I’m sort of freaking out about how unprepared I am for my thesis.  I’m really interested in bringing sustainability into the set design/stage design of concerts, fashion shows, theater, ballet, etc and that’s what I’m hoping to accomplish with my thesis installation! I’m hoping to find sustainable materials that I can use, which you already mentioned a few in the first class (mushrooms, fungus, kombucha, etc).  And hopefully find a more sustainable material that I can 3D print! Also, I’m very interested in taking home some mealworms that eat Styrofoam by the way!

Part 2 – Comments on Video’s/Reading assignments:



I think that this was a successful project, especially with its ability to reach teens and children.  Garbage pollution is a real issue, especially in NYC and Rob Greenfield was able to take a serious problem and make it playful enough so that people start understanding how their trash really does affect the rest of the world.


I thought that this was an inspiring video.  After watching it, I immediately wanted to change certain aspects of my everyday routine.


      1. Food waste: alarming rise will see 66 tonnes thrown away every second

I thought that this reading was_____.

      2. Sustainability vs. Resilience:

I thought that this reading was_____.

      3. What is a wicked problem???

I thought that this reading was_____.



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