Jackson Heights has a wide variety of people from different cultures living in it. I knew this from the introductory video we watched for Aviva’s class, but I didn’t know that they were so many. I love that there is a Latin neighborhood in New York City because it reminds me of home, just by going there and hearing only Spanish on the street was so nostalgic and heartwarming. The neighborhood has a population of 103,414 and almost 60% are Latinos, from a lot of different places. The Latin cultural mix is huge, and I would like for people to know that there are many different cultures in this Latin community and that is not only one big similar group called Latinos. 59.4 % of people were born outside of the United States, so more than half the population is immigrants. Finally, 11.5% of this neighborhood’s population are people with disabilities.
I found very interesting that 82.4 % of Jackson Heights’ inhabitants don’t speak English in their house and according to the statistics more than half of them speak in Spanish.
Jackson Heights is a residential neighborhood; it has 36,101 households and 63.1% of those are families. The majority of kids are going to elementary school or college and the majority of people who live in this neighborhood only have their high school graduate degree. Most people have lived in Jackson Heights for more than one year, the most common apartments are 3 or 4 bedrooms and 46.8 percent of them have a rent value of 1000 to 1499 dollars.