Sketches and work in progress

Final Poster

For this bridge 2 Project, we had to make a poster that included important data about our neighborhoods in a visual way to make it attractive and easy to visualize to the viewers.

I had a lot of fun doing this project and it really helped me to learn how to work with number computer programs. I had done posters before but not with graphics that I had to make so it was interesting to learn how to work in this way. I really like how Jackson Heights has so many Latin and Asian communities mixed with so many others so I decided to focus the demographics and social profile on that part.

Also, while looking at the NYC Population Factfinder website I realized that it didn’t make sense to me that the comparisons between neighborhoods were made considering 100% to be the total number of each population and not the number of the two combined. For example when talking about the number of Latinos, in Jackson Heights it’s 23% according to the total, and in Elmhurst, it’s 48%, but considering that Jackson Heights has much more population the number of Latinos is much higher than Elmhurst’s and I could not know that unless I did the math. So I grouped the five neighborhoods touching Jackson Heights and calculated how much the percentages would be according to the total of people there, to find out that Jackson heights has a much higher number of Latinos than all the other neighborhoods. From this exercise, I learned that the information can change a lot or can be perceived in a different way according to the reference point, that’s why I chose to represent both.

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