Class exercise #2: Change what appeared to be fixed

For this class exercise, I chose to research and redesign my speed square from highschool. I used to use it for everything that had to do with drawing and cutting with an x-acto knife so now it’s very damaged and scratched.

Research questions

What if instead of plastic it was made of a thin metal

What if the tips were less sharp

What it combined more than one geometry tool

What if the measurements were bigger

What if the measurements had dents in them to make it easier to mark them

What if there was a set of tools you could combine to make larger-scale drawings

What if it had strings you could attach to do perspective drawings


Redesigning Process




With this exercise, we got to practice and get more into the design thinking process. By looking into an object that’s already supposed to be a good design because it’s on the market, we realize that not every design is well thought and why testing the product’s usability, efficiency, and the user’s experience is so important to make a good design. By being a user of this object for a long time I could provide more insight on what I experienced using the product and how I’d like to improve or redesign it.


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