Observing Life: Cuba and New York

In my narrative, I wanted to convey my experience being torn between Cuba and New York. I lived in Habana, Cuba for the summer and underwent a lot of growth and life changes. All of that action, makes it hard for me to adjust, totally, to being in the city. I’m not necessarily satisfied with being here but I’m content and able to draw parallels to my summer story. My narrative, weaves spanish and english together, mirroring my thoughts that are bilingual as well. Below is my narrative:

La turquesa turquoise

La bandera de Cuba the Cuban flag

Salsa y reggaeaton

verde del ejército army green

mi habitacion my room

living with the love of my life

el beige  beige

the in-between

constantly thinking about mi ultra pais my other home

pero I’m here in New York, I can compare but how often does it match up?

Rojo red

back in the car

taking it all in

las fiestas everywhere you look

baile por the aritias, for the ancestors, for the tourists

azul celeste sky blue

mi habitacion my room

living with the love of my life

Rosado pink

Llavar mi ropa con mi vida mi Corazon washing my clothes with my life, my heart

Rojo red

Laughing for hours

N’ blossoming like flowers

El beige beige

the inbetween

because im not there and im not here

pero im in New York, laughing again, not necessarily as strong but I can’t just have one home

azul celeste sky blue


el beige beige



aqui y alla

meaning here and there

In order to blend the videos going back and forth between New York and Cuba, I decided to create a color story of transitions.  I felt the colors were soothing and aiding in helping the mind perceive two different places of time in space in one short period. My story board is a very clear picture of my vision.

I was very excited to illustrate my ideas in Premiere Pro, its a skill that I’ve been waiting to cultivate for a while. Editing was the most pressing and time consuming part but the end result was better because of the time commitment. I played with the contrast and slow/speed features to manipulate the feeling of time throughout my video.




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