Future of Work – The World is the Stage

An Urban Performance

By: Deniz Balkaya, Qizhan (Eric) Chen, Shirley Leung, Franky Wang

We’re imagining a future where the entire world is a recorded performance. In a modern world where surveillance is prevalent, your actions and your voices are probably recorded with or without you noticing. With an entire archive of material, what are we going to do with this content?

We’re interested in taking these recordings of visuals and sounds and mixing it into a performance that is a direct misrepresentation of one’s actions. There is something uncanny about the juxtaposition of mismatched sounds and visuals. We expect to hear a particular sound when we are faced with a familiar visual. However, when the outcome is not what we expect, we face this cognitive dissonance. Do we accept this? What if it is a performance?

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