Year 1

Event Score Research

Below are noted examples of event scores and notes from the reading. MY EXAMPLES: – Polyphonic playground – invisible art…

50+ “I remembers”

50+ “I REMEMBERS”  - SEMINAR CLASS I remember learning I was a triplet. I was confused because I first thought…
Project 1: Sense of Place

Project 1: Sense of Place

project description: In my drawing, I depicted my sense of place surrounding my two-week hospital stay earlier this summer. At…
Intro Collage

Intro Collage

A creative introduction to the person I am, what my brain ponders and where I want to explore. Visually, I…
Einstein’s Dreams

Einstein’s Dreams

Einstein’s Dream Triptych Project Brief   For the assignment, I chose the June 5, 1905 entry from Einstein’s Dreams for…
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