The Art Rebellion

Duchamp and the Arch

My Time project is a sound walk audio about Washington Square Arch’s history. I choose the historical event of the “Six Conspirators” as a start to spread out my research. When I pay attention to the details into this event, I surprisingly find out the main characters are Duchamp and Sloan! I have always fascinated the movement of Dada, and it profoundly influences me. The history of this place and the peculiar event grab more of my interests to take a deep look into it.

1917, January 23rd. It was a cold, snowy evening at the Washington Square. Few artists include Sloan, Duchamp; poet Drick, and the other playhouse actors climbed the arch and released tons and tons of balloons and lanterns with the seal of Greenwich village, as they immediately declared the independence of the Washington Square. The revolution continued until dawn, the spirit of rebellion remains till today. The Six Arch-Conspirators encouraged the rise of the artist’s community. And this is the first time that the village is persevering in and effort. After I did my research about this event, I am obsessed with the rebellious spirit of the contemporary movement. Then I come up with my idea of presenting my work through retelling the story, which is to re-emerge the scenes and atmosphere.

Through reviewing the past, I have learned to understand the significance and influence of the movement. And I want my audiences also to take a deep thinking of the “artist rebellion”, to appreciate these great thinkers’ reflection on our societies back days.

The audio piece is associated with the sound of music, as you listen, the transition from the intense rhythm to calming sound. The two songs are based on the slaves’ theme. I draw the spirit of rebellion from the songs and put them into the background sound, which corresponds with my audio. The dialogues and narratives over crossed throughout the start and the end. The plays are restating the history of that day over and over. I want my audiences to enjoy the particular moment of the ceremony, which happened right after the declaration. The act of releasing balloon is taking this “ridiculous revolution” to the climax; it is the core of showing these artists’ resolution in that such era. The last part of playing music gives audience time of reflection. The interaction between the audiences and the sound walk audio progress the idea of “freedom” into a deeper level. Since the progressions of thinking build on the project, I have accomplished my mission as an observer and a revealer of this particular history.

The past few weeks of readings and discussions on the concept of “time” has given me an impact on my recognition of life essence. The life of our own encounter with other lives, and it creates plenty of possibilities; And these changes alters our cultures, histories, and beliefs to the priceless transcendence which beyond time and space.

Citations of online resource(articles & texts)

Axelson, Erik Peter. “The Free And Independent Republic Of Washington Square (Part II).” The Daily Plant : NYC Parks. NYC Parks, 24 Jan. 2007. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.

By Marcel Duchamp or Rose Sélavy (The Box in a Valise) C.1943, Tate L02092). Like Cornell, Duchamp Was Alert to the Toy-like Qualities That the Miniature Versions of His Earlier Works Inevitably Possessed, but There Was an Added Twist to Duchamp&rs. “Duchamp, Childhood, Work and Play: The Vernissage for First Papers of Surrealism, New York, 1942.”Duchamp, Childhood, Work and Play: The Vernissage for First Papers of Surrealism, New York, 1942. Tate, Autumn 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.

“When the Village Tried to Secede from the Nation.” Ephemeral New York. Ephemeral New York, 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.

“Creating Digital History.” Arch-conspirators. Creating Digital History, 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.

Moke, Bernadette. “Downtown Doodler: Hidden History of Washington Square Park in NYC.” Untapped Cities RSS. Untappedcities, 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Sept. 2016.

*Some of these websites does not mention any authors or editors.







the Washington Square arch background sound


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